There are some days in which words take over my life.
Today was one of those days.
After getting up before 8 am pretty consistently for the past two months, for some reason today my body said no more. I slept until almost ten.
That threw a wrench in my day. A slight one, anyhow. I decided to skip the running and save it for tomorrow. It's supposed to snow, which doesn't bother me. Snow and I get along, especially in running weather.
When it's all said and done, I will have written/typed nearly 6000 words today. I wonder how many sentences I've repeated. I wonder how many sentences I've repeated.
For those of you that don't know,I still hand write the majority of my projects first. Then the typing comes.
I wrote an article for Bronco Nation News that will appear Thursday or Friday. That was just over 1000 words. I am working on a novel for National Novel Writing Month. I have started a new one. Or an old one. It's an idea from college that I hadn't touched since. The idea of NaNoWriMo is to basically have a 50,000 word novel done by Nov. 30th. I have never completed it and have participated in it twice. Through 12 days, I am sitting at nearly 20,000 words. That's roughly 1,650 words a day. If all goes according to plan, I will have the first draft of a new novel by Nov. 30th.
That's what I'm currently working on. I have also written the first drafts of monologues for a theater competition that are due by November 21st.
The follow up to The Dragon Princess has been temporarily put on hold until December. That is also sitting at about 20,000 words. It's called The Blue Gem and you can read an excerpt, if you'd like.
Submitting, submitting, submitting. That's the life for me. Publishers, Agents, Theaters, Journals, you name it, they are getting a copy of something.
I also recently held the first reading for my newest full length play, The Latitude of Life. Positive feedback and I look forward to seeing how it grows.
Picking up little writing jobs here and there so I'm happy with that. Really enjoying working with the people over at Bronco Nation News.
Thanks for listening diary. You're the best.