The beacon of light has been extinguished.
For centuries, the prospect of living in the United States for immigrants and asylum seekers leaving their own countries, whether they were seeking to leave horrible living conditions or simply seeking better lives, was exciting. This country was a land of promise. This country was a place of opportunity and excitement, a land to lay down roots and find a future for them and likely their family.
That is no longer a given, thanks to the people currently in charge. Led by the stain on humanity who currently serves as our "president" and groups of agents who are mindlessly following orders, perhaps even injecting their lack of care for human rights in as well, the United States has turned into a hate-filled mockery of what it once was.
Children being ripped away from families. Families who have arrived at the gates of our country in hopes of getting away from regimes who treat their people as less-than-human. On top of that, the people in charge have lost 1,475 children.
How is that even possible?!
This happening at the same time others are being told that if they don't stand for the national anthem they should leave the country. Or stating, "our ancestors tamed a continent...and we're not going to apologize for America."
Couple that with lies and more lies spouted from his Twitter account, plus his political rallies of hatred (or stump speeches, whatever he wants to call him). That, and using simple events to honor our servicemen as platforms for his lies, including the recent one of telling us this is the first pay raise for military service members in ages. (Not true, considering raises have been instituted at least the past 10 years.)
Another example of the laundry list of ways those of different races, of different cultures, and different genders and ideals are being silenced and have their rights ripped from them here in Ol' 45's regime.
This is not making America great again. It's diminishing the great county I grew up enjoying.
Was it perfect? No and it likely never will be. But we were on a road to being a place with great pride, with great respect. There were still needless wars we were involved in and needless violence was still happening and there was still a fair amount of racism and entitlement. We were getting better. There was hope. Now...
The overload of information on what is going on to contribute to this country's downfall under this man's leadership is frightening. Every day there is something new and ol' 45 and his administration are failing to make any sort of change.
School shootings are happening on a weekly basis. Do we look for new ways to enact gun control or stricter background checks? Change rules about who can buy guns and who cannot?
No. Instead, people in charge blame the school's for "too many doors".
African-American men are being hit with tasers for complying with officers. An incident that saw at least five cop cars show up for a person who, yes parked illegally to run into a Walgreens, but was otherwise cooperating with the officers.
Worse, seeing deaths that didn't need to happen in which racism -- inherent or otherwise -- was involved.
These are only a few reasons as to why players of the NFL have taken to dropping to their knee (or other signs of protest) during the national anthem. It's not to disrespect the flag or to the fine people who have fought for our freedoms. They are trying to point out the social injustice so many people receive on a daily basis.
Except the NFL only sees green. And by instating their new rule, they are trying to silence the issue by suggesting players stay in the locker room. All done for money and an attempt to appease the liar-in-chief.
The overload of information and actions is draining...
...and yet.
Hope remains. The majority of the country is against this man and his administration. There is still hope and compassion and empathy living in our souls. There is a strong swelling of hope to return this country on its path to greatness we had going only two years ago. Progress is being thrown for a loop but if I've learned anything is that those hoping for a brighter future are resilient. The changes are being seen in the voting booths and, while it appears so much is unraveling, the future is coming.
Rights will be restored. Laws to protect our environment and our lands will restored. People will have the right to be who they are and have rights over their own bodies, their own minds, and their own decisions.
The beacon of light might be extinguished but it will be lit again.
And the hope of living, and arriving, in the United States for a better life can once again be restored.
Be bold. Be kind. Resist.
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